Game News

Belleville Pro Hockey Challenge By admin
Thursday 30th September 07:06

Welcome to the 2024/25 Belleville Pro Hockey Challenge, where you compete against other participants to see who can correctly predict the outcome of select events.


All you need to do is log in to your account and predict the outcome of select events. For each correct pick, you will be awarded with points. Players that take a chance and guess correctly on the long shots will score even more points. There is no penalty for an incorrect answer.


Changed your mind about an outcome? No problem. You can go back and change your picks as often as you like right up until the deadline. Once the deadline passes, all players picks are revealed and you can compare your picks against other players.


Check back after the game to view the standings and see if you got called up like a pro to the top of the leaderboard.


The challenge is a creative and fun way to interact with other fans and there is NO COST TO PLAY. What are you waiting for? Join in the fun today.

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